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Climate Change Adaptation Project

The report of IPCC pointed out that it is at least 95 percent likely that human activities are the main cause of warming since the 1950s. So we have responsibility to confront climate change, and adapt to climate change. The aims of this project are to: 1) collect and analyze the latest promotion and implementation of adaptation plans of the United Nation and the international community, compose the “Climate Change Adaptation Guidebook,” and maintain adaptation information platform and building a climate change adaptation education platform. This year, we have also attended the international conference “Consensus on Climate Change Adaptation among Government and Populace” in UK, and visited UKCIP, ASC, HR WallingFord and EA for discussing the adaptation roadmap, difficulties and strategies. In order to promote basic knowledge of officers on climate change and vulnerability assessment, “Climate Change Adaptation Guidebook” was set for staffs of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. This guidebook contents causes of climate change, future climate projection and scenarios, impacts of climate change, mitigation and adaptation, adaptation methods introduction, and adaptation case study. Based on compilation of development and process on climate change adaptation from international information and UK governments’ experiences, adaptation works are analyzed and summarized for the future administration of our government as a reference.
Climate Change;Adaptation Strategy;Adaptation Education